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Membership Fees
Many groups already are in their own connected networks, examples would be any local group which is a member of a regional or national group.
Political parties are normally national with regional organisations base around parliamentary seats or local government.
Both of these have a well understood structure but they may not be linked in any useful sense, today things are different.
Firstly administration, membership fees may be administered at the centre because that’s where the data has been traditionally the mainframe centre driven mentality where once data was stored and used.
This no longer has to be the case, data can still be stored centrally but some of the administration can and should be devolved and distributed to those who can make the best use of it.
This will be those groups where the member is registered, for example you may have a National Hobbyist Group with a breakdown to counties and then towns. Each of the Town groups consists of the Membership the National and Regional Nodes are management functions.
Annual subscriptions that are paid directly through repeat payments (DD or CC) are collected at the National Level with Local Groups collecting Cash and Cheque payments, this can lead to problems if the local group is unable to register the payments and the national body is unable to maintain the up to date status of the member’s local group.
Agoria’s membership BackOffice takes care of this.