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Numerous groups come together for a charity runMost groups during the course of a year will organise events, the dates and times of these events need to be communicated to their membership, their community and in many case to members of the public.
Agoria provides easy to use Events Management tool, members can create events which are then subjected to an approval process which is in place to avoid congestion on the organisations diary.
Once approved events appear in the events listing and the top 10 can appear on left hand side of the website below the menu, this promotes events to members and others.
Details of the event include location, date and time, organiser and price. Depending on the type of event they can be booked online.
To promote events through the Group or Neighbourhood Network the details can be e-mailed to all members in the group database or to a selection. The organiser can e-mail just those that have booked on the event if there are any last minute changes in the details or a change of time.
Regular events can be copied to save time on entry, and old events are simply archived.
Future events are displayed on the calendar, as a list and in a bulletin format.
Depending on the type of event these can be shared with adjoining groups your “Networked Neighbourhood” for this reason events can be restricted to:-
·         Members of the originating group
·         Adjacent Groups
·         Cluster (all groups)
·         Public (everyone)